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Introduction of Standing Committees

City council os composed of plenary session, standing committee and special committee, there are two types of sessions, regular and special and the total number of session is less than 80 days in a year. Regular session meets twice a year within 35 days. The period of special session is 45 days and can open its session with the request of a mayor of 1/3 of registered council members. However. the first special session after the first day of the term of membership. In the regular session, councilors deals with affairs related to auditing of public administration, examination of budget bill, approval of accoval of account settlement, and other issues.

plenary session

Plenary session is the final decision making process of councilors.Bills can be decided by the presence of a majority of registered councilors and the approval of a majority of attendants. If Bills are rejected, they can not be initiated and referred again during the same session. Moreover, Bills that have been referred to the local council must not be abandoned for the reason that they are not resolved while the council is in session, but they may be abandoned when councilors’ term of office expires.

standing committee

As an organization in the council to examine various bills professionally and efficiently, standing committee opens during the general session when the Chairman deemed it necessary or request of more than 1/3 of registered council members or mayor.

special committee

Special Committee is organized when it is considered necessary to deliberate and resolve special bill. The committee exists until the bill is resolved in the plenary session and term of office for members is the same as the period of organization of the committee.